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Different methods of Session Handling and Portlet to Portlet Communication

At very high level how the session parameters  and the data will be shared between the portlets is:

a. Event Handling using JSR 286
b. WSRP : URL Using IBM Web sphere Portal Server 
c. http://producer_portal_host:producer_port/wp_contextRoot/wsdl/wsrp_service.wsdl?port=portValue ( IN Weblogic Portal Server).

The first version of the portlet specification, JSR-168/portlet1.0, did not include any support for Inter Portlet Communication. The second version, JSR-286/ portlet2.0, which is supported for IPC  Mechanism.
IPC  is made easy  with JSR-286 to share the data between two portlets. Using IPC mechanisms, we can share the data from ACTION to VIEW phase and  VIEW-VIEW Phase.
There are 3  ways  to  share  the  data   between  2  portlets.
1.      Portlet session
2.      IPC  Mechanisms
2.1             Public Render Parameters
2.2             Event
2.3             Client-Side IPC
3.      Cookies

1.      1. Portlet  Session

By default , Each war has its own session and will not be shared with other  wars. Liferay provides a mechanism by which Portlets can share session attributes across WARs.

A PortletSessionis created for each user per portlet application. This makes the PortletSessionuseful for communicating all user related information among different portlets in the same portal application.

Step 1:  set below attributes in Portlet1



     Step 2:  To set the Session:

PortletSession session = renderRequest.getPortletSession();
session.setAttribute("sessionValue",some-value , PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);

Step 3 : Get the Session Value in Portlet2

PortletSession ps = renderRequest.getPortletSession();
String tabNames = (String)ps.getAttribute("sessionValue ",ps.APPLICATION_SCOPE);

2.      IPC Mechanism

2.1  Public Render Parameter :   IPC ( Inter Portlet Communication)  : 

In JSR 168, the render parameters set in processAction is only available in the render of the same portlet. With the Public Render Parameters feature, the render parameters set in the processAction of one portlet will be available in render of other portlets also.
By adding the following property in portlet-ext, we can enable portlets to share render states with other portlets that are on different pages:
Step 1:  Add below attribute in “Sender-Portlet”

<qname xmlns:x="">x:param1</qname>

Note: We  can declare a list of public paramters for a portlet application.

Step  2:

 We can set render parameter in the processAction() method by using the defined public render parameter identifier as the key.

response.setRenderParameter("id1", “someIdValue”);


public void processAction(ActionRequest  request, ActionResponse response)

throws IOException, PortletException  { ........

response.setRenderParameter("id1", “someIdValue”); ........


Step  3 : Receiver Portlet Portlet  “portlet.xml”

Specify the render parameter the portlet would like to share in the portlet section.

< portlet >

< portlet-name >PortletB< /portlet-name >
< supported-public-render-parameter >id1< /supported-public-render-parameter >
< /portlet >
<qname xmlns:x="">x:param1</qname>

Step 4:

A portlet can read public render parameter using following method

Note: Public render parameters are merged with regular parameters so can also be read using


Step 5:

A portlet can remove a public render parameter by invoking following methods.


3         Event  :   IPC ( Inter Portlet Communication)  :


Portlet events that a portlet can receive and send.

In JSR-168 :
The only way to achive eventing was through portlet session.
Limitation : Portlet has to be in the same web application.

In JSR-286 :
JSR 286 (Portlet 2.0) defines a lifecycle for events, so that eventing is possible between portlets that are in different web applications.

By adding the following property in portal-ext, we can enable portlets to send and receive events from other portlets that are on different pages
Step 1: Sender Portlet
The portlet standard defines a way of telling the portlet container  which portlet is responsible for sending an event.

Add this inside <portlet> tag:





Step 3 : Set the event in process action:

 javax.xml.namespace.QName qName =
newQName("", "empinfo", "x");
"Hai You have received Event Data sent from Sender Portlet");

Step 4: Listner Portlet



Step 5: get the EVENT:

This Even will be called after processAction as shown in the picture:

Lifecycle for IPC Event:

@javax.portlet.ProcessEvent(qname = "{}empinfo")
javax.portlet.EventRequest request, javax.portlet.EventResponse response)
throwsjavax.portlet.PortletException, {           
        javax.portlet.Event event = request.getEvent();
        String value = (String) event.getValue();
            System.out.print("value in process event>>>>>>>>>"+ value);
            response.setRenderParameter("empInfo", value);

2.3 Client-Side IPC  :

There are 2 APIs for client side IPC.

Event generation (call from portlet A):'<eventName>', {
            name : value

e.g.'planTravel', {
            origin : 'pune',
            destination : 'mumbai'

Event Listener ((call from portlet B):

Liferay.on('<eventName>', function(event) {

Liferay.on('planTravel', function(event) {
        showNews('', event.origin);
        showNews('', event.destination);

3.  Cookies

Other than the IPC mechanism,  There is an easiest way to get the data between portlets on different pages called COOKIES.  
But there are some limitations for cookies  that it will not accept more than 4KB size datas and the biggest limitation is, the 20 cookies per server limit, and so it is not a good idea to use a different cookie for each variable that has to be saved

Portlet 1    :
To Set the Cookies through jQuery:
<script src="/html/js/jquery/cookie.js" type="text/javascript" > </script>
function setCookie(docURL) {
To Set the Cookies through java / jsp:

HttpServletResponse response = PortalUtil.getHttpServletResponse(
Cookie cookieParam = new Cookie("cookieParam ", password);

Portlet 2:

To get the Cookies through jQuery :

jQuery.cookie("cookieParam ");

To get the Cookie through java/ jsp :

String sessionid = "";
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
    if (cookies != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
        if (cookies[i].getName().equals("cookieParam ")) {
          sessionid = cookies[i].getValue();



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