- In RAD go to newàothersàportlet project
2.Select Portlet
project and click next
Enter project name (here
Sample) and uncheck Create a Portlet checkbox.Click Finish.
So we can see
in RAD one project folder and an EAR.
Copy all spring library fils into lib folder.
Next Add Servlet.In Spring portlet Application we are using ViewRendererServlet.
is a bridge servlet, mainly for the Portlet MVC support.
For usage with Portlets, this
Servlet is necessary to force the portlet container to convert the
PortletRequest to a ServletRequest, which it has to do when including a
resource via the PortletRequestDispatcher. This allows for reuse of the entire
Servlet-based View support even in a Portlet environment.
The actual mapping of the bridge
servlet is configurable in the DispatcherPortlet, via a
"viewRendererUrl" property. The default is
"/WEB-INF/servlet/view", which is just available for internal
resource dispatching.
For adding servlet double
click on SampleàDeployment
Select servlet and click add u
can see the window like this.
check Use existing Servlet
Class and click browse button
Select ViewRendererServlet and click OK.U can see screen like
Click next .
Select /ViewRendererServlet
and click edit and change the value to /WEB-INF/servlet/view
Click Ok and click finish.
Next Add ContextLoaderListener for the application,Double click
on WEB-INF/web.xml.Click variblesàlistener add.
Click Browse and select ContextLoaderListener class.Click Ok.
ContextLoaderListener need one context file to run.Default Context
File is appplicationContext.xml.If you want to change the name of the file by
Contextparam in web.xml
Here we are not mentioning any context param so we need to create
Next Add Portlet Class . Double Click on SampleàPortlet Deployment descriptor
Click on portlets and
click Add.Select DispatchetPortlet click Ok.
DispatcherPortlet is a standard portlet (extending GenericPortlet),
and as usual is declared in the portlet.xml of your web application.
And save(use Ctrl S).
- Next create Spring bean definition file default file name should be portletname-portlet.xml. We can change the name by init-param value in portal.xml. Here creating default one,and name should be Dispatcherportlet-portlet.xml.
In either the web application context or the Portlet context three
things should be defined, a ViewResolver, a HandlerMapping and one or more
Controllers. The ViewResolver tells the framework both how to translate
simple names to full resource names and what kind of resource it is. In the
example Portlet context below the ViewResolver is defined to look for JSP pages
in the
directory of the web application.
<property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView"/>
<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/>
<property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>
HandlerMapping tells the framework how to map incoming
requests to the Portlet to different controllers. The Spring Portlet MVC
Framework comes with a variety of interesting HandlerMapping implementations
for mapping from Portlet Modes as well as arbitrary parameters. In the example,
we are using ParameterHandlerMapping. Although Spring Portlet MVC allows you to use
other frameworks by defining special types of Handler implementations,
id="ingLoginController" class="nl.ing.viking.presentation.controller.IngLoginController"/>
name="parameterName" value="action"/>
name="defaultHandler" ref="ingLoginController"/>
key="homepage" value-ref="ingHomePageController"/>
Here property parameterName we set as “action”(it is
default value we can give any value).So
when request is coming handler check the value of parameter “action” with entry
key value,if it matches it will call particular controller otherwise it will
invoke defaultHandler controller. So
Dispatcherportlet-portlet.xml looks
Next create controller class .
- Create package nl.ing.viking.presentation.controller
- Create Two Classes under above package IngLoginController and IngHomePageController (we mention these classes in Dispatcherportlet-portlet.xml)
10.Spring Providing many controller classes and an interface Controller
So you can implements
Controller interface or extends one of the classes given by spring jar.
Some of controller classes
AbstractCommandController - a command controller you can use to create your own command
controller, capable of binding request parameters to a data object you specify.
This class does not offer form functionality, it does however offer validation
features and lets you specify in the controller itself what to do with the
command object that has been filled with the parameters from the request.
AbstractFormController - an abstract controller offering form submission support. Using
this controller you can model forms and populate them using a command object
you retrieve in the controller. After a user has filled the form, AbstractFormController binds the fields, validates, and hands the object back to the
controller to take appropriate action. Supported features are: invalid form
submission (resubmission), validation, and normal form workflow. You implement
methods to determine which views are used for form presentation and success.
Use this controller if you need forms, but don't want to specify what views
you're going to show the user in the application context.
SimpleFormController - a concrete AbstractFormController that provides even more support when creating a form with a
corresponding command object. The SimpleFormController lets you specify a
command object, a viewname for the form, a viewname for the page you want to
show the user when form submission has succeeded, and more.
AbstractWizardFormController – a concrete AbstractFormController that provides a wizard-style interface for editing the contents of
a command object across multiple display pages. Supports multiple user actions:
finish, cancel, or page change, all of which are easily specified in request
parameters from the view.
In the example I just implements interface Controller.
Here we need to implement two abstract methods handleActionRequest(for handling action request) and handleRenderRequest(for handling render request).
We are given default handler as ingLoginPageController
,So this controller call first, Coe below show sample render request
public ModelAndView
handleRenderRequest(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1) throws
Exception {
Auto-generated method stub
return new ModelAndView("login");
This method return a ModelAndView Object.In this example when we are
creating ModelAndView passing a string login,
the viewResolver bean in the DispatchetPrtlet-portlet.xml handle
this one .(in our example it will invoke the jsp reside in /WEB-IBNF/jsp/login.jsp).If we need to pass any value to login.jsp
we can pass value like
return new ModelAndView("login",”name”,”value”);
ModelAndView mv=new ModeAndView(“login”);
return mv;
Map map=new HashMap();
ModelAndView mv=new
return mv;
11. Create login.jsp in WebContent/Web-INF/jsp
Login .jsp
action="<portlet:actionURL><portlet:param name="action" value="login"></portlet:param></portlet:actionURL>">
width="500" border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="216">User
<td width="284"><br>
type="text" name="username"
<td width="216">Password<br>
<td width="284"><input
type="text" name="password"
<td width="216"><input
type="submit" name="submit"
<td width="284"></td>
In login.jsp we can see include of taglib portlet.
<%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet"%>
<portlet:defineObjects />
For enable this we need to include tablig in web.xml.
Go to web.xml àvariblesàtag lib à add
Location à/WEB-INF/tld/std-portlet.tld
When submit the
login form it will call the renderActionMethod
of IngloginController.
action="<portlet:actionURL><portlet:param name="action" value="login"></portlet:param></portlet:actionURL>">
Here handler
check whether any handler is there for the
parameterName “action”,
In this example
no handler is there with entry key login
so it will call defaultHandler.
IngLoginLoginController ActionRequesthandler
public void handleActionRequest(ActionRequest
request, ActionResponse response) throws
Exception {
Auto-generated method stub
// Do whatever
action we need.
login action");
response.setRenderParameter( "action" , "homepage" ) ; //
set render parameter
Here do the whatever actions we
want,if we need to render the home page then we want to set RenderParameter.
response.setRenderParameter( "action" , "homepage" )
Where “action” is parametername
we given in the DispatcherPortlet-portlet.xml.”homepage” is the value of
In DispatcherPortlet-portlet.xml,
<entry key="homepage"
So it will render
the “ingHomePageController”.
ModelAndView handleRenderRequest(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1) throws
Exception {
Auto-generated method stub
return new
It will invoke “/WEB-INF/jsp/home.jsp”.
******************************* END*********************************************
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